
At Present this institution provides disciplined academic education in two engineering branches(DCE and DEEE), with the duration of Three Years including Six Months Industrial Training and Max. No. of intake is 60 in each Branch.

Branch Duration Intake
Diploma in Civil Engg DCE 3 Years 60
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engg DEEE 3 Years 60
Course Syllabus:Each course is completed in Three years where the 1styear is year wise, 2ndand 3rdyears are semester pattern (viz 3rd, 4th, 5thand 6thsemester) COURSES OFFERD
S.No Courses Subjects
1 D.C.E I-year C-101 English-I C-102 Engineering Mathematics – I C-103 Engineering Physics C-104 Engineering Chemistry and Environmental studies C-105 Surveying – 1 C-106 Engineering Mechanics III-Semester C-301 Engineering Mathematics–II C-302 Strength of Materials &Theory of Structures C-303 Hydraulics C-304 Surveying-II C-305 Construction Materials IV-Semester C-401 Reinforced Concrete Structures C-402 Irrigation Engineering C-403 Quantity Surveying C-404 Transportation Engineering C-405 Construction Practice V-Semester C-501 Steel Structures C-502 Construction Technology and Project Management C-503 Environmental Engineering C-504 Geotechnical Engineering C-505 Advanced Civil Engineering Technologies VI-Semester Practical Training in the Industry 6 Months
2 D.E.E.E I-year EE-101 English EE-102 Engineering Mathematics – I EE-103 Engineering Physics EE-104 Engineering Chemistry and Environmental Studies EE-105 Electrical Engineering Materials EE-106 Basic Electrical Engineering III-Semester EE-301 Engg mathematics –II EE-302 D.C. machines & measuring instruments EE-303 Electrical circuits EE-304 General mechanical engg EE-305 Electronics engg – I IV-Semester EE-401 A.C. machines -I EE-402 Power systems -I( G& P) EE-403 Electrical utilization & traction EE-404 Electrical installation & estimation EE-405 Electronics Engg – II V-Semester EE-501 Industrial management & smart technologies EE-502 A.C. machines-II EE-503 Power systems -II (T,D & P) EE-504 Power electronics & PLC EE-505 Digital electronics & Micro controllers VI-Semester Practical Training in the Industry 6 Months